❓❗️ A question from subscriber:
📝 Assalom aleykum. I am 56 years old. I have 4 children. My first child has been disabled since childhood. He is currently mentally ill of 2group of indefinitely disabled. I raised my child at home until he was 16 years old. At the age of 16, I handed him over to Mercy House, and now he is at the men’s Mercy House, at the age of 35. I studied at the institute for 4 years, my total work experience is 4 years and 7 months. I was told that my time at the institute would not be included in my work experience, and that my children would not be included in my work experience because they were not born during my work experience. Can I receive a pension for a mother who has raised a disabled child under the age of 8? I was aldo told that I will not be given such a pension, because I have given my child to the state guardianship, and my length of labor is not enough to calculate a pension. Can you advise me on this case? Thank you in advance for your reply.
💡 In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On State Pension Provision of Citizens», citizens are entitled to a pension by age:
🔹 men — upon reaching the age of 60 and with at least 25 years of work experience;
🔹 women — upon reaching the age of 55 and with at least 20 years of work experience.
📌 A pension for incomplete work experience is paid to persons who do not have sufficient work experience for the appointment of a pension and this pension is assigned in an amount proportional to the length of labor and cannot be lower than:
🔹50 percent of the minimum old-age pension — for old-age pensions;
🔹100 percent of the minimum old-age pension — for disability pensions for disabled people of group I;
🔹75 percent of the minimum old-age pension — for disability pensions for disabled people of group II;
🔹50 percent of the minimum old-age pension — for the pension in case of death of the breadwinner for each disabled family member;
🔹100 percent of the minimum old-age pension — for pensions for each child who has lost both parents (orphans).
📌 If you have at least 7 years of work experience (7 years of active labor activity), the experience includes:
🔹time of caring for a person with a disability of group I or a child with a disability under the age of 18, as well as for an elderly person who has reached the age of 80 who needs outside care (according to the conclusion of a medical institution);
🔹full-time education in higher educational institutions, postgraduate studies, the institute of trainee-researchers-applicants, the institute of senior researchers-applicants, basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies and clinical residency, including abroad;
🔹 the time spent on leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of 3 years, but not more than 6 years in total.
📌 War invalids, mothers of invalids since childhood, midgets and dwarfs also have the right to a pension on preferential terms. But only mothers whose children are disabled since childhood, and who raised them up to the age of 8 or more, with at least 20 years of work experience are meant. When assigning a pension, stepchildren are taken into account along with their own children, if the woman raised them for at least 5 years until they reach the age of 8 years.
📌 In response to your question — only if you have 7 years of active work, study at the institute and child care period will be included in the work experience. You also cannot receive a pension for a mother who raised a disabled child under the age of 8, since this requires 20 years of work experience.
You are eligible for age allowance. The age allowance is assigned to persons who do not have enough work experience.
📌 Age allowance is assigned to:
🔹 men — upon reaching 65 years;
🔹 women — upon reaching 60 years;
🔹 mothers who have (had) children with disabilities since childhood — upon reaching the age of 55.
📌 For mothers who have (had) children with disabilities since childhood, the age allowance is assigned on the basis of a medical report of the medical advisory committee or a disability certificate of the medical and labor expert committee on the recognition of that child is with disabilities since childhood. At the same time, the amount of the allowance is set in the amount of the allowance for the elderly and disabled citizens who do not have enough length of labor necessary for the appointment of a pension.
✅ Sources:
— Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state pension provision of citizens»
— Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On approval of regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state pension provision of citizens» and the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan»